Nature's Hollow | Accessibility Commitment

Online Seller Policy

Nature’s Hollow, INC

Nature’s Hollow is committed to working with customers to facilitate the sale of Nature’s Hollow products through ecommerce channels. Nature’s Hollow maintains an eCommerce Authorized Reseller Policy to protect Nature’s Hollow brand and intellectual property, as well as authorized channel partners. This policy is also in place to protect end customers, ensuring they receive accurate product information, pricing and customer service that meets Nature’s Hollow standards. Finally, the policy works to ensure fair competition among resellers as well as supporting those who have invested in stocking and marketing Nature’s Hollow products and abide by Nature’s Hollow policies and programs. Nature’s Hollow will interpret and enforce this policy at its sole discretion. In order to be considered an eCommerce Authorized Reseller (“Reseller”), you must meet the following requirements:

Sell on Approved Websites Only

Unless otherwise explicitly authorized in writing by the Director of Sales, Director of DTC, or the Director of Wholesale subsequent to the effective date of this policy, Resellers may only take orders via websites owned and operated by their own company. Selling on third party marketplaces (e.g., Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc.), drop- ship accounts (e.g.,,, Newegg, etc.) or classified sites (e.g., Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

Maintain Accurate Brand & Product Information

Maintain proper use of all Nature’s Hollow trademarks.

Sell product only in original packaging.

Do not duplicate, or develop different, UPCs to differentiate a product.

Online Marketing

If a Reseller wishes to participate in the marketing of Nature’s Hollow brand and product through a Google Adwords Account, the reseller must submit a request to Nature’s Hollow for a list of approved ad keywords to use as to not to compete directly with Nature’s Hollow primary marketing efforts.

Sell Only to End Users

Only distributors purchasing products directly from Nature’s Hollow are authorized to resell products to Resellers in accordance with this policy.

Resellers should not sell Nature’s Hollow products to other eCommerce resellers. Nature’s Hollow recognizes that sales to eCommerce resellers may inadvertently occur from time to time. Therefore, in the event you inadvertently transact with other ecommerce resellers, you must disclose the details of those transactions (e.g., when and to whom such products were sold) so that Nature’s Hollow may enforce this policy.

Sellers transacting Nature’s Hollow products through eCommerce that did not procure product from Nature’s Hollow, or an authorized distributor of Nature’s Hollow, directly, are not authorized to sell Nature’s Hollow products online or use Nature’s Hollow trademarks, copyrights, images or product information. Nature’s Hollow reserves the right to take enforcement action against the seller and supplier of the product in accordance with this policy.

Unauthorized Exports or Marketing in Other Countries

You shall cooperate with Nature’s Hollow in preventing unauthorized exportation of the Products. You shall not advertise for sale or ship Products outside of the U.S. or sell Products to any third party that advertises for sale or ships the Products outside of the U.S., in each case without the prior written consent of Nature’s Hollow.

Bulk Sales by Resellers

The Products may not be sold in bulk by Resellers. “Bulk” is defined as more than (3) cases in a single transaction. Resellers shall use reasonable efforts to identify suspicious purchase patterns (e.g., frequent purchases by an individual) and promptly report the same to Nature’s Hollow.

Customer Confusion

You may not advertise, market, promote, display, demonstrate, bundle or sell non-Nature’s Hollow products in a manner that would create the impression that the non-Nature’s Hollow are made by, endorsed by, work with or are associated with Nature’s Hollow or Probst Preserves. You must ensure that the Products never are misbranded or represented as another brand.

Disclose All Seller Names & Properties

Maintain accurate and up-to-date company information and disclose all retail locations, web properties, temporary storefronts and seller names across all channels directly to Nature’s Hollow. Any seller transacting through eCommerce must report all websites and seller names advertising or transacting Nature’s Hollow products to

Nature’s Hollow Minimum Advertised Price Policy

All Resellers acknowledge they’ve received Nature’s Hollow MAP policy from an authorized Nature’s Hollow distributor or Nature’s Hollow company. If MAP policy is violated, Reseller status will be revoked immediately.

Legal Compliance

Resellers acknowledge that they will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations related to advertising, sale and marketing of Nature’s Hollow products, including but not limited to:

Don't make false or misleading claims or engage in deceptive sales tactics.

If you email customers, comply with CAN-SPAM (and other similar laws).

If you maintain an online presence, publish a privacy policy and comply with it.

Use known and trusted checkout vendors only and ensure that credit card transactions flow through a PCI-compliant payment stack (i.e., one in which credit card numbers are not collected by the merchant).


Resellers that fail to comply with any term in this policy will be subject to enforcement actions at Nature’s Hollow discretion including but not limited to:

Loss of authorization to sell Nature’s Hollow products online

Reseller will be given a reasonable amount of time to sell through inventory on hand if loss of authorization occurs.

Suspension of shipments

Permanent termination of Resellers account with Nature’s Hollow

Resellers may not circumvent any term of this policy through any means. Nature’s Hollow will interpret any violations of this policy in its sole discretion. No failure or delay of enforcing this policy shall be deemed a waiver of right. Nature’s Hollow reserves the right to modify this policy at any time.

eCommerce Authorized Reseller Benefits

Resellers that abide by all facets of this policy will be deemed authorized to sell Nature’s Hollow products in ecommerce, provided they maintain constant adherence to the policy. Resellers understand they do not have any proprietary rights to Nature’s Hollow trademarks or other intellectual property but are authorized to use Nature’s Hollow trademarks, copyrights, images and product information for the sole purpose of reselling Nature’s Hollow products.